My -Your Last Wish

My Last Wish........Power of Attorney

It could be a very sensible and important decision to appoint a trust worthy person to, look after your affairs in the later stage of life.
If done it would give you daily freedom to enjoy your days in a relaxed manner knowing that person is looking after you affairs..

You can create a free Power of Attorney

What is a Power of Attorney?

...A Power of Attorney (or POA) is a legal document that designates one or more persons who can make critical decisions on your behalf if you are unable to make these decisions yourself. This situation can arise if you are out of country on holidays or travelling for business, or if you ever become debilitated due to an injury or illness.
.The person(s) you designate in your POA is referred to as your attorney. They may also be called your agent or representative.
.. There are variations on how Power of Attorney works in different parts of the UK. Law Depot's Power of Attorney is customized based on the country you select in the questionaire.

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Power of Attorney
